Welcome to Riverside School
Riverside School has been identified as a School of Distinction in the category of "Highest Overall Performance". This was based on a rating system enacted by the state of Connecticut wherein each school's performance on standardized tests is analyzed and assigned a "school performance index". Our designation indicated that our school performance falls in the top 10% of all elementary schools in Connecticut. This special distinction reflects the hard work of the staff and students. We are very proud of this accomplishment and committed to sustaining it. Furthermore, Riverside School was ranked #4 public elementary school in Connecticut by U.S. News & World Report.
U.S. News & World Report Ranking
GPS Norms:
- Be Here
- Be Safe
- Be Honest
- Care for Self and Others
- Let Go and Move On
By the Numbers
library materials
each student issued school iPad
Student : Teacher ration
School News
Volume 6 Issue 11 of Greenwich Public Schools' flagship newsletter, GPS District Digest, was released today. The current issue is jam-packed with great stuff from all over town.
Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Toni Jones announced today that 61 GPS employees have been named GPS’s “Difference Maker” award recipients for the month of January as staff members who have made an overwhelming impact on the lives of others inside and outside of our schools.
The latest issue of Together We Can, the official newsletter of the Office of Special Education and Student Supports has been released today.
Volume 6 Issue 10 of Greenwich Public Schools' flagship newsletter, GPS District Digest, was released today. The current issue is jam-packed with great stuff from all over town.
Welcome to our second installment of All About Academics for the 2024-2025 School Year! We have included information about ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, FLES, World Language, Arts and ALP.
Society for Science announced that GHS senior Ashley Malkin was included in the top 300 scholars in the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2025, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors.