Below are the student-friendly, salient points adapted from the GPS Responsible Use Policy (RUP). The full text of this policy can be accessed here.
Greenwich Public Schools RESPONSIBLE USE POLICY for Digital Devices
I will follow all parts of Greenwich Public Schools Responsible Use and Internet Safety Agreement for iPad and computer use.
This means I will:
- Ask permission before using a device;
- Only use the device for educational purposes;
- Stay on task when using a device;
- Use only approved apps and websites;
- Treat all equipment gently;
- Keep my passwords secret;
- Give credit for images and words;
- Print only when I have permission;
- Use electronic communication in a safe manner and for school-related purposes.
This also means I will not:
- Access the Internet or apps without teacher permission
- Search for, produce, or upload content/images/videos that could disrupt the school day;
- Download or install anything without permission from a teacher;
- Make changes to hardware and software;
- Use another person’s device without the teacher’s permission;
- Use another person's user name and/or password;
- Cyberbully, harass, or discriminate;
- Post, send, or store online or on the school computer or network information that could endanger others;
- Attach the iPad to a computer without permission (such equipment will be taken);
- Try to get through the Internet filters.
I acknowledge and understand that if I violate any condition of this agreement, I may have my computer privileges suspended and/or revoked.